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Writer's pictureAna Medina

The Importance of a Good Night's Sleep

A lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep can have a severe impact on your health, both physically and mentally." In fact, according to a report released by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 70% of Americans are not getting the recommended amount of 7-8 hours of sleep each night." If you're in this category, you're putting yourself at an increased risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression, not to mention causing health problems in the future if you continue your lack of sleep habits now. But what are some specific steps you can take to help improve your sleep?


I know this one is hard! But the use of any screen, phone, laptop, iPad, or even a kindle. It can increase your alertness at night, and also it will suppress your melatonin secretion when you need it the most. Wifi included in this one. The EMFs in wifi waves are linked to depression.


Lan stands for "Light At Night." Any light from outdoors can disrupt your sleep. Your room should be pitch black. Wifi is included in this one. The EMFs in wifi waves are link to depression.


Journaling is so helpful to clear up your mind and put those thoughts in order. You can start small by writing two lines, at least before you go to bed; otherwise, you will see it as another thing on your to-do list. Eventually, you will be writing a whole page.


One of the easiest and most effective techniques is The 4-7-8 technique. Dr. Weil has described it as a "natural tranquilizer for the nervous system."


See your room as your sanctuary, keep it clean and tidy, with soothing colors, maybe add some indoor plants to help oxygenate the room. One of my favorites it's called "mother in law tongue" it helps purify the air and absorb toxins.


Try to go to bed every day a the same time, be consistent. Even on the weekends. Practicing all the above and having healthy habits during the days will contribute to your sleep hygiene." Remeber is connected.

Circadian Rhythms, or Circadian Cycle, is our natural internal clock. It is a 24 hours cycle in charge of regulating our sleep." I have a value post about it on my Instagram page where I explain every detail, and it is easy to comprehend.


Coffee is delicious and has many benefits, but when you consume caffeine drinks late in the day, it can interfere with your sleep, especially if you have sleep issues because the main role of caffeine is to give that boost of energy to keep you awake. A study about the caffeine effects if taken even 6 hours before bed. here is the link: Caffeine effects on sleep taken 0, 3, or 6 hours before going to bed


Naps are wonderful, especially power naps. But taking long or irregular naps can be counterproductive, especially if you have sleep disorders. Your circadian rhythm can get confused, and therefore you are more prone to wake up in the middle of the night.


Getting enough natural vitamin D which is the best source are, the sun rays. It's so important for your sleep to tell your internal clock you are awake, keeping it healthy. I know this one is hard to achieve during the winter months, especially in the country's northeast. Still, you also can help your body by consuming foods rich in vitamin D like Mushrooms, egg yolks, fatty fish, seafood, and seafood and supplements.


Drinking any liquids before bed only can lead to waking you up in the middle of the night to go the bathroom and interrupt your sleep. There is a medical term called NOCTURIA, a condition in which you wake up during the night because you have to urinate.

So you are better off liquids at least 2 hours before bed. Some can be more affected than others, so have it in mind.

  • Magnesium Glycinate.

  • Valerian Root.

  • Lavander essential oil.

  • Chamomile.

  • Melatonin.

  • Tulsi. (Holy Basil).

  • L-Theanine.

*When it comes to supplements, please research whatever you put in your mouth and your buying brand.

So, why do you need to get good quality of sleep?

  • The Brain resets and recharges by sleeping. One of the only ways the Brain heals is by sleeping and dreaming; that's why we need REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. REM helps your Brain learn and retain memories.

  • By sleeping well, you're helping your heart and blood vessels to repair.

  • Cortisol is the stress hormone that is in a better response. When you dont get enough sleep, your cortisol levels are sky rocking, so you are more prone to be irritated, your heart rate starts to rise.

  • Lack of sleep can also lead you to make poor nutrition choices. Of course, if you dont sleep well, you'll feel exhausted the next day, and what comes next is sugar cravings, simple carbs craving. You probably won't have the energy to cook a proper meal for you, so you more likely end up buying take-out all off that only will give you a quick boost, but then you will crash again.

  • Be careful with consuming foods rich in Tyrosine in the evening, such as Aged cheeses, beer, fermented meats, and wine.

But now, let's talk about the benefits of getting a good quality of sleep.

The benefits are endless but let me start by tel ou, and you'll be glowing. You feel fresh as organic lettuce. Your mood your energy will be on point. I'm telling you this because of my own experience. I went through a time when I was afraid to go to my bed because I knew l wouldn't sleep. Always dig deep into your heart to find the root cause of why you cannot sleep. It can be stress, medication, family affairs, anxiety, depression, or overthinking. When you dig deep and find the cause, then you can find the solution.

  • Boost your immune system. You get sick less often.

  • Improve memory.

  • Lower stress levels.

  • Focus better.

  • Prevent Weight Gain.

  • Better Mood.

  • It Helps in Balancing hormones.

  • It helps with thinking better.

  • Perform better at work and school.

  • Better nutrition choices.

  • Prevent heart diseases.

  • It helps to detox the liver.

  • It improves productivity.

Bottom Line.

We tend to underestimate the value of good quality of sleep. We see it as a luxury, and even we get judgemental when others can get 7 or 8 hours of sleep at night -We see them as lazies for sleeping so much. But that is not your fault, it is the society and the system we are living in because they see us as product machines, the more hours per day you are producing, the better, and if you dont produce enough, you are not worthy, and we can be seen as lazies.

Don't fall for that; please, listen to your body and needs. Health and wellness come first.

I hope these tips are helpful for you, and for more wellness tips, you can always visit my Instagram page.

Or, if you think someone you know might benefit from this blog, please feel free to pass it along.

Much Love and Light,

-Ana. 💜

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1 comentario

Selina Mugodi
Selina Mugodi
21 feb 2022

Great post Ana, keep serving. I really struggle with let go lot my phone or laptop. Thank you. 🙏🙏🙏

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